6 Tips For Developing Your Brand!!!

6 Tips For Developing Your Brand!!!

Here are my tips for Brand Development:

1) Create A Circle That Matters. (Your Squad Represents how your brand moves.) Bosses hang with other Bosses!

2) Utilize Your Network: “Your Net Worth Is Within Your Network”-Willie J

3) Allow Yourself Space To Dream Big, But Execute The Vision. (Lessons will occur, but you have to at least go after the dream and make it happen.)

4) Get Your Brand In Order: File the proper paperwork, Ask Questions, Invest In What Your Don’t Know, Hire A Team. (If you cannot afford a business coach or lawyer, etc. barter with them. (Ex: You run a bracelet business & need a lawyer, give the lawyer some of your bracelets in exchange for them drawing up your contracts.)

5) Allow Room For Growth & Rest: Take a vacation, get some sleep, or rejeuvenate your energy by enjoying your hobbies.

6)Show Support To Other Entrepreneurs: There is room for everybody to win. Buy from other entrepreneurs this promotes growth in the business community, shows support to other business owners, and allows us to build more successful streams of income.

Thank You all for reading and these are some tools to add into your resources as you continue to pursue great things in your careers! Please feel free to share this & I will have more on the way. I appreciate everyone for continuing to take this journey with me and know that I’m focused and am ready to share a lot more with my Starrahs!

Shift Your World The Rest Will Follow,
-Willie J (Brander/Creative Director)

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Posted by on July 25, 2017 in Boss Moves, The Starrah © Speaks


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Creating Your Own Lane!!!!

Creating Your Own Lane!!!!

Sometimes life gets demanding as one gets older. Your views change, people change, & your circumstances evolve. For me the challenge has been how do l make life happen the way l envision it & still be open to the inevitable changes. For me it’s been ever-changing. The main lesson l continue to learn from life is to stay in motion even if it hurts. l remember being in college as a freshman signing up for spring semester and then calling home to find out my father had died that morning. My family had been trying to get a hold of me, but l had my phone on vibrate because l was in class that morning. Here it was something tragic had happened at the same time, as l was signing up for my adulthood future. l’ll go into further detail later this month as it marks my father’s 10 Year Anniversary of him relaxing in heaven. I said all of that to say, l had to keep moving even when l cried my eyes out. I had to get in the mind frame that l had something bigger to complete and that if l gave too much energy into my father’s death. I too would be defeated, full of regrets, & not able to enjoy life as it was intended for me.

We all are put on earth to do great works, so wasting ones talent to appease your family, friends, or whomever else is a faux pas. Every day is a new day to try something new, give way to a new idea, try some new food, create a new positive habit, etc. Right now life is moving me into my place in the Mogul World. I’m throwing an event on October 18th, 2014 called “l Got $5 On lt” this the first event l’ve put together and there is a lot of work involved. I have much respect for event planners and having this kind of stress is not for the weak. I’m still finishing up a few things, but am so glad l started planning this early. Word to the wise, EARLY PLANNING= A HAPPIER YOU! l started doing meetings back in August and then got some dates in mind & the rest flowed from there. l’ll be doing a post about the event once it’s over, so don’t worry Starrahs, y’all will be in the loop.

l want you all to know that if you want to be successful than you’ve got to roll with the changes. For years l did events for other people or threw my own touch to someone else’s party. Now l am ready to take the risks and see how l can add my spin on things from beginning to end. I wanted my brand to grow and here a created opportunity to do so. I cannot wait to announce some of the other projects I am doing in the coming months. All I can say is my voice is being heard and the right people are taking notice. The best part about these experiences is not the material or monetary gain; it’s about building an ongoing business relationship that’ll create a new lane for other STARRAHS to follow. Someone gave me a start because they saw potential in where l am going. Now l am using my potential and help other’s brands grow, which in turn will help me evolve too.

Starrahs Don’t Be Afraid To Help Someone Else You Might Create Your Lane After all!

Still Figuring It Out,
-Willie J

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Posted by on September 25, 2014 in Uncategorized


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Summer Was All That & More!

Summer Was All That & More!

What do you do to enjoy summer? For me it was working, making time to celebrate in Columbus, Ohio with my friends, go to Kent & see more friends, do various dinners at friend’s houses, cook sometimes, see what love could possibly bring my way, expand on my brand, & most importantly ENJOY THESE MOMENTS! For most of my life summers are a busy season for me & l don’t always get time to enjoy them because time moved so quickly. This year l carved out time for myself and knew that wherever l went whether it was to a fashion show or sitting on a friend’s porch l wanted to enjoy their company & let the world fall behind. The best lesson l got from this summer is: Staying In My Lane.

Many people jump out of who they are to appease others who are non-factors towards their success or livelihood. I am seen as a leader & some people may expect me to take the reins of a situation and make it better. What they fail to realize is not everything needs my STARRAH TOUCH. It’s okay to let things happen as they’re meant to. l am in a place where being stable and smiling means so much to me. l know people who can either have one, but not the other. Whether it is due to their insecurities or just not thinking they deserve it. All l can do is LIVE & know that whoever is watching me will learn something and be a productive influence on the world at large. I have had many opportunities to just get up and go those are the best times for me. Driving to Columbus by myself with the wind, gorgeous mountains, & clear skies made me appreciate time alone.

I’m entering the next phase of my Mogul Life and have made some good meetings happen. This Fall is definitely a great season for me being behind the scenes while putting my seal of approval at the forefront. I dreamed of finding my niche & now that phase is happening. I am able to speak “critique language” that’ll translate into a brands growth, as well as, allowing more creativity to flow through. To all my STARRAHS: l hope your SUMMER was one you made your OWN & allowed a few moments to LIVE! Thanks for reading & we have more to chat about for sure.

Make Your Lane Change Your World,

-Willie J


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Posted by on August 22, 2014 in The Starrah © Speaks


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Springing Forward!!!

Springing Forward!!!

My passion to write on my blog fizzled. I had gotten involved with other projects and wasn’t able to find my energy to speak & tell stories. I wrote in my journal daily, but I didn’t have the creativity to talk to my STARRAHS. My energy has come back and l have things to talk about and share some of my journey with everyone. I did my final “All Things Willie J” (ATWJ) radio show on March 21st, 2014. I had been wavering with this decision because I didn’t know if l was ready. I discussed it with my co-host, Tiffany and she agreed that whatever decision l made was the right one. I had no pressure on me to end my show & was running the show my way. I remember watching, Love & Hip-Hop New York, Erica Mena had went back to her old manager, Rich. They had a rocky relationship romantic & business wise, but l learned a lesson from their situation. If you want to change your career and open up new opportunities, than you have to change management. That is the core reason why l was ready for this change. I was moving at a fast pace and needed a change of scenery for me to grow.

On February 21st, 2014 I made the announcement that I was ending the show. I had support from my friends & radio station. I put in my 30 day notice and created lasting shows that would leave my mark on Voice It forever. l felt a shift in my energy after finishing that show because any doubts l had were gone. l knew that this was what l needed. Plus l had gotten tired of not having my Friday’s any longer and with the summer approaching and various events l would be attending l needed that free time. One thing about me is that l love dinners & taking vacations as l can with my friends. It gives us time to reconnect with each other and ourselves.

On March 21st l had a group of my friends with me and just let the night flow. l left the Agora studio feeling great, complete, and there was nothing unsaid. During defining times in our lives we are all faced with decisions that can change our journey. The obstacle is choosing the time to make those transitions that mold the life we want and deserve work. I had been considered ending the show on December 27th, but felt that the timing was off. I had more to talk about and if l ended it there would be regret. At this point a conversation had occurred between me & Tiffany discussing the time to end the show and we had agreed March was a great time to do it. I have not said goodbye to radio and welcome a new opportunity for the ATWJ platform. I felt myself getting limited with radio because l see tv, books, and my blog site as being an extension of the ATWJ brand.

This is a liberating and adventurous time in my life. I am not sure what’s next for me, but l invite positive new endeavors into my Starrahship. My radio show saw the light of day on November 6th, 2012 and the doors that opened gave me a glance at where l could go. I am able now appreciate and receive this experience because this doesn’t happen for everybody. I find myself reflecting on the show and the impact it has had in my life. The show has taught me about appreciating the power of being in control. Many of us crave control in some way, but we must learn how to utilize that power once we are in our manifested destiny. For example, running my own show humbled me because l called all the shots and it all fell on my shoulders. I was responsible for producing, creative director, booking guests, doing research, & making sure the show flowed. Sounds like a lot of work and it was. I have much respect for other radio personalities, especially those who do it all themselves. Making the show look easy was no easy task at all, but once l customized the formula that worked for me, my burdens eased.

I want to THANK ALL OF MY STARRAHS, FRIENDS, FAMILY, & VOICE IT RADIO for your support. I am grateful to Voice It Radio for providing a creative outlet for my personality to shine as well as allow me to talk about various topics & content on my show. I was able to talk about various issues: safe sex, HIV awareness, fatherhood, the power of manifesting your destiny, & much more. I reflect back on the show and know that it has served a purpose beyond myself & Tiffany. I want to THANK Tiffany, my German Chocolate Starrah for keeping me sane, being an example of a great partner, & working with me on the show. We made this show a success and I am glad you were there with me during this entire journey!

Starrahs I will be back blogging more and sharing lots of stories because we have a lot to catch up on. Also Happy Spring Time, find time to party with friends, relax at a hotel, take a road trip, or just have a sleepover. Make this season work for you. We’ve had a crazy winter, but lived to see another day. I know for sure that l am going to be super busy and it is all worth it.


Springly Refreshed Starrah,
-Willie J

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Posted by on April 15, 2014 in The Starrah © Speaks


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Holiday Thoughts… Hey Starrahs!

Holiday Thoughts… Hey Starrahs!

Greetings Everyone,

I know we all have been keeping busy. I’ve been away from here for a while, needed to recuperate and enjoy my summer. No vacations over the summer, but I spent a lot of time with friends and family. I’ve been trying new things with my hair just added some highlights to my Mohawk. That really made me step out of my comfort zone and I flat ironed my hair & rocked the pompadour. I recently went to the Hullabaloo 2013 celebrating Valerie Mayen’s “Yellow Cake” clothing collection. She has a lot of Amazing clothes & a keen eye on detail. She does a lot of work with leather, lace, & prints. I ate great there and enjoyed the atmosphere with the people. If you would’ve told me I’d be at my first fashion show sitting in the 2nd row, looking Starrahfied I wouldn’t have believed it.

I have been putting a lot of energy into my radio show, which will be 1 Years Old on December 7th. I went through various changes of my show, at first I was on the mic, creating the show, and that was it. Now I produce, engineer, create, & call all of the shots for my “All Things Willie J” Show. My co-host, Ms. Tiffany has been kicking butt too. She has gotten me great guests on the show and has had my back in whatever decisions I’ve made and been my sound board. I couldn’t have asked for a better person to start that journey with. Less than a year ago I was unemployed & unsure of what I wanted to do. Now I’m back working, running my OWN radio show, got a business coach, and venturing into other branding ideas. I will continue taking my brand further and allowing myself to explore all that life has to offer. It feels good to write again and start letting my STARRAHS back in on everything that is going on with me.

This year I am Thankful to have gone through the experience of losing my job because it pushed me to take a break and get clear on me. I’m Thankful to have taken more time for myself and stop overwhelming myself with various projects or taking care of other people’s problems. I am Thankful to have a few good friends that have helped me GROW and have had my back when most people would’ve walked away and not helped me through my rough patch. I’m Thankful to have a voice to speak to others and encourage them to push forward. I’m Thankful to not be alone and have found the courage to seek help with my brands because I can’t do all of this by myself. Oprah didn’t and neither will l. Lastly, I’m Thankful to all of my STARRAHS who root for me, send positive energy my way, and take time to read my blog. You all give me strength beyond words.

Simply Put: Thank You!

Happy Holidays Starrahs,
-Willie J

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Posted by on December 4, 2013 in The Starrah © Speaks


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Words Of Wisdom!!!

Words Of Wisdom!!!

I found some notes I took when I was about 19 or 20 years old from a seminar I went to.  The motivational speaker’s name was Ed Blunt. I was young, vibrant, in college, and a sponge soaking up as much knowledge as I could. Mr. Calhoun, my mentor and acting coach called me and told me to come hear Ed Blunt speak. When Mr. Cal calls me I don’t question it because he only calls when it’s important. As I looked around the conference room most of the crowd was in their 30s and up. I didn’t feel out-of-place or intimidated after all I knew there was a reason God placed me here. When Ed spoke I had my paper and pen out because I didn’t want to miss anything he said. He was well dressed and his wife was an actress I’d seen on tv before. I figured hey he’s got some good connects to be where he is. Plus he didn’t live in Cleveland, but he’s from the area, and he looks like me. Growing up I had many male mentors in my life that encourage me to do more and be awesome. As an adult there weren’t many male role models who symbolized where I wanted to be in life. Seeing Mr. Blunt reassured me that one day I too can be successful and speak to a crowd full of people sharing my story.

During Ed’s motivational chat I learned one of the keys of success was the importance of “Painting The Picture.” It’s not enough to just think about what I wanted, but I had to fully see my vision too. I have faced many uncertainties in my life, but still manage to wake up and smile pushing my vision forward. Another great tip he shared with us was “Take Out The Trash.” I had gotten rid of a lot of negative people from my life. There are people in our lives who will constantly give critiques on what they see of our Authentic Selves. Let that toxic trash GO and watch how much lighter you’ll feel. Don’t allow someone to ride the road of your success if they haven’t put in any work to help enhance where you are. I know that I am making moves with my brand and there are some people that will not be invited to my big events or private parties. Does that mean I’m being shady or “Hollywood”? No, that means I’m being smart about who I allow to be in my circle and enjoy the fruits of my labor. Not everyone is meant to grow with you. Some are there to teach you a lesson and then move onto the next student.

There were some people placed in my life to help me when I was down. During those times some of them also used my talents to help do more for their brands growth than they did themselves. I can’t harp on their short comings because their brands do not represent what I’m doing. My mantra I say often is, “If you don’t invest time into your brand than who else will?” I have often wondered what my next move will be, but the joy in the unknown is what keeps me intrigued. I see myself waking up in a new city, living my dreams, and having a good time doing so gives me the strength to see it through. I will not leave this earth without making a lot of noise and opening up new doors for the next generations to follow. May we all have the courage to fuel our passions and live with meaning.


Starrahs what will you do to leave your mark on the world?

Gravitating Closer To My Dreams,

Willie J

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Posted by on May 16, 2013 in The Starrah © Speaks


Giving Back To My Roots!!!

Giving Back To My Roots!!!

I went to my old stomping grounds, Glenville High School on May 4th for the Glenville Alumni Basketball Game. I had a GREAT time. I saw lots of old friends & laughed with them as we caught up on life. I felt so FREE coming back to my roots. One thing I always keep in mind is finding ways to stay connected to where I come from. I do plan on moving very soon, but I’ll never be too far away that I can’t give back. Something many people don’t know is when I was 18 years and in college, I did just that. My guidance counselor, Mr. Chinchar and I talked about me doing some motivational chats with junior and senior students of my alma mater. I got home from my first college break January 2004 and was sitting in Mr. Mandel’s classroom with bright-eyed seniors ready to share my wisdom about college life.

Mind you I’d recently graduated June 2004, now I’m in front of the class as a guest speaker. That for me was one of the highlights of my career. I spoke to a number of classes during the course of 6 years. Once I graduated college my priorities changed, but the message remained. I gave students practical advice and things they should do before going to college. I was a first generation in my family to go to college and coming from an urban environment where many men my age didn’t pursue this route was impressive. I’ll never know how many students took my advice and ran with it, but I know for sure that I gave what I could and nothing less. I remember my senior year and different speakers would come speak to us about the importance of college and choosing a good career. However, they gave the cookie cutter version, which I knew wouldn’t help me. I said to myself, “One day I’ll come back and give the students the real deal about college life.” Who knew less than six months later I’d begin that journey? The power of writing things down & speaking your life into existence is something I live by daily.

I said all that to say this: Understand that your branches can’t grow without strong roots in your foundation. You have to find ways to give back because many of our young people need guidance, as we once did.

How will you pull someone up with your strength Starrahs?

Glenville Tarblooder Always

-Willie J

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Posted by on May 6, 2013 in The Starrah © Speaks


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Happy 2 Years!!! Still Writing…

Happy 2 Years!!! Still Writing…

Happy 2 Year Anniversary to the All Things Willie J blog site. When I created this labor of love it was a way for me to pour out what’s going on in my world. I know that I’m not the only one who goes through issues, struggles, success, & understanding of who they are. I knew that my intention was to create a conversation and an outlet to make us all wonder what we’re capable of. This year has been one of many transitions and rolling with life as it comes. I normally plan things out, but l didn’t see some of the obstacles I’d have to overcome. I have to give honor to GOD for keeping me sane & still pushing through. Even during the days when I didn’t want to say anything or let those closest to me know I was going through troubling times. It looked like I had it all together, but behind my SMILE I was hurting. I felt like things weren’t going to get better for me even though I kept my mind as positive as can be. I just felt defeated and down.

My 27th birthday was a few days ago and it was a good and simple one. For my previous birthdays, I’d be in another city taking a vacation. This year that wasn’t an option for me, however, I created my own adventure this year. I got a chance to seek out some wise advice and my friend took me to dinner. I ended the night with a glass of wine & a red velvet cupcake. It was nice receiving love from my friends on my birthday and that made me feel special. Most times I’m so consumed with doing for others that l have to take time out for myself. Oh I have no problem getting on a bus, plane, or train to get away when I need to refuel. The best lesson for me that night was: “You are where you’re meant to be.” I kept reminding myself that l may not understand why things are where they are in my life, but I am in good standing. Most people would have given up and not focused on what trying times are teaching them. I’ve been reflecting on what these struggles have been teaching me.

Then I begin to think about how fast 2 years has gone by and my site is still going strong. During this time of transition for me, I can still OWN something. When I knew my finances began to fluctuate l had put aside the money I needed to keep this legacy going. I’ve always been someone who taught the value of owning your BRAND and finding ways to make it WORK. That’s exactly what I did.

Recently, a friend of mine told me “Look how far you’ve come Willie? You went from a blog site, to a radio show, and you’re still doing other things.” I had to take it in because they were right, I’ve got more work to do, which is why I celebrate every milestone in my career. I don’t want to be 50 years old and start reflecting on my career at that point. I’ve got enough time right now. I also took heed to some of the advice the wise woman told me on my birthday: “Stop over analyzing everything. Don’t beat yourself up because you’re doing the best you can. The little steps you’re taking now are having greater impacts in your life than you realize.” I must say she was on point because I’d forgotten to just be. My brand is doing well and just because I’m not seeing it’s frugalness at the moment, there are great outcomes happening because of me doing the work.

I encourage everyone to continue speaking your life into existence. It may not show up when you want it to, but eventually it’ll manifest at the appropriate time. I am holding on to my dream of moving out of my hometown and planting my Starrah SEEDS on new soil. My soul is meant to LIVE and be FREE. The truth is I’m bored here; my soul is already in my dream city kicking it, making the proper moves until we meet up. I will continue to do the work and step outside of my comfort zone and stretch my brand further than I can see.
Thank You for making these 2 years a good start, warm welcome, & letting me know that what I have to say still has value.

Breathing in my success,
Willie J


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Motivation For All Starrahs!!!

Motivation For All Starrahs!!!

There comes a time in one’s life when decisions have to be made. For example, most of us know when our bodies smell not so fresh; it’s time for a shower. That seems like an easy tasks, but can the same be said for our lives. Another example, we’ve got people in our circle that aren’t in the best interest to be around, yet we still keep them and call them “friends.” Now why is it so easy for us to clean our bodies, but not our inner being? I began wondering that question myself. On the outside it seems as though I have it all, but the reality is I have room for improvement. I’ve been going through ripples in my life this year and things haven’t been as easy-going for me, as it was in 2012. What I’ve come to learn is we all have to know it will work out in the end. Even when we can’t see our lives getting better, richer, & more complete, eventually things will.

I wish I had the answer as to when that’ll happen. When will I wake up in the morning & not have to worry about how I’m dressed how I’ll pay the rent, or what’s for dinner? When will I have my personal chef cooking a few good meals for me & my crew, my private plane, & tv show generating revenue? Each day I try to remember that troubles don’t last always. What I did to overcome those obstacles will stick with me forever. I had to learn to smile at times when failure was an option. I had to learn to laugh when tragedy struck & there was nothing I could do, but show support. I had to cry when my finances weren’t taken care of. Now in my life I am thankful that everything hasn’t settled for me yet & loving what is God has given to me.

He’s given me my 5 senses:

Smell: To engulf my nose into delicious foods. A true Foodie Indeed.

Sight: To see when others aren’t true to themselves or me. Don’t allow passes of toxicity to pass by & do nothing about it.

Taste: To know that VICTORY comes in phases, so try not to become distasteful.

Hear: Truly listen to the real intentions of what someone is saying & not just hearing the conversation on the surface. People reveal a lot of themselves through words.

Touch: Never be afraid to travel the world & feel the delicacies of life. I am a creator & will be a part of something bigger than myself, which will LIVE BEYOND MY EXISTENCE.
I’m not where I deserve to be yet, each year I figure out ways to get myself there. Know that I’m always taking action & being proactive in some form of my life. I don’t know how to SETTLE, grateful for that character trait indeed.

Starrahs Stay Encouraged & Blessed!
-Willie J

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Posted by on April 18, 2013 in The Starrah © Speaks


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Women Hear Them Roooaaarrr!

Women Hear Them Roooaaarrr!

For the past few months I’ve been putting lots of energy into my radio show.  I have met a lot of people during this experience. At this time in my career I am grateful to have this platform. A year ago, I lost my job and wasn’t sure what was next for me.  Now I’m busy creating a show that I can be proud of as well as provide valuable content for my audience.  There are many subjects I have yet to discuss, but I am taking each show one month at a time.  I have great co-hosts Ms. Tiffany Burton & “Legendary” Courtney Davis, who keep the shows energy flowing effortlessly.  As the creator of the “All Things Willie J” show, I often forget that I have the power to control the entirety of my show.  Meaning I can pick the guests, topics, & whatever else I feel that will enhance the show’s appeal.

This month I chose to focus on women.  Women are important to my life because I’m always surrounded by them & I see all of their passion, drive, dedication, struggles & victories.  I chose this month to focus on them in my “Women Entrepreneur Month.”   I chose women Moguls who are in their Mid- 20s-Early 40s.  It’s not enough to just be a woman, sometimes it’s about OWNING your POWER!  We all have gifts and each of these young women exemplify what it means to truly live OPENLY & HUMANLY CONNECTED.   These women run blogs sites, are authors, create their own internet channels, & natural hair care products.  I’m Amazed to see how fast many of these brands have matured over the years.  I’m talking about as fast as within two years of creating their brand.  Blog sites that have turned into a self-empowered workshop platform to having natural hair care products inside the goody bags at this year’s 2013 Presidential Inauguration.  Talk about speaking life into your vision.

My goal for this series is to empower all of the Starrahs through these radio chats. I want them to understand that dreams can manifest when you do the work.  I remember when I started this site about 2 years ago and it was a way for me to communicate my thoughts.  Now it’s on gaining continuing exposure and allowing my Starrahs to grow with me.  We still have more places to go and things to discuss.  Thank You to everyone that continues to follow the “All Things Willie J” movement.  I will continue to give y’all content that matters because it truly is about “Igniting Your Inners Starrah and Going Beyond Yourself.”

What are ways you’ll start living out your dreams Starrahs?

My Dream Lives,

Willie J